Kaduna State Civil Service Computer-Based Test Date & CSC Exam Center For 2024/2025, Recruitment For Civil Servants Is Ongoing
Kaduna State Civil Service Computer-Based Test Date & CSC Exam Center For 2024— The examination date, time and center for the recruitment of public servants across the state ministries are out. Now, all candidates shortlisted throughout the twenty-three (23) local government areas will be subjected to sit for an examination which they will access on the positions they applied for.
This information is only for individuals who saw their names on the Kaduna State Civil Service recruitment list. A few weeks ago, the government of Kaduna State shortlisted about thirteen thousand seven hundred (13,700) candidates out of the forty-one thousand nine hundred seventy-one (41,971) individuals who applied for its public job vacancies.
However, with these figures, it is important to note that about forty-one thousand nine hundred seventy-one (41,971) applications were received from all applicants who were interested in the advertised jobs, although a lot of applicants were disqualified for not meeting the application conditions.
So, suppose you are one of the candidates who made it to the shortlist. In that case, we advise you to take note of all relevant information, by taking note of the recently released examination date and report on time, as lateness to the examination center, will not be accepted by the commission.
Kaduna State Civil Service Computer-Based Test Date
The Kaduna State Civil Service Commission (CSC) has informed all those shortlisted to check the examination/computer-based test date, time and center on the state’s government official portal.
This date, time and center have been released by the commission to enable all candidates who prepare for their respective examinations so to avoid being disqualified or reporting late at the examination center.
They are also to come along with their writing materials (Pens, Pencils, Erasers, and other relevant stationery), including other documents like all academic certificates, online submission print-outs, an Identification card (driving license and others), a certificate of state of origin, passport photographs and other documents submitted during your online job application.
Those who will be reporting to the Kaduna State Civil Service examination/computer-based test center must come alongside the photocopies of each of the documents released above.
It is important to note that only those candidates whose names were listed on the list containing the names of thirteen thousand seven hundred (13,700) shortlisted candidates are the only ones who are eligible to report to the computer-based test center.
So, all candidates whose names were not shortlisted by the government of Kaduna state are not eligible to report to the announced computer-based test center, so to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.
The public should bear in mind that the government of Kaduna State will send email notifications to all thirteen thousand seven hundred (13,700) shortlisted candidates, notifying them of the date, time and center of their computer-based test assessment.
How Can One Check The KDSG Civil Service Computer-Based Test Date for 2024?
To find out when the Kaduna State government will conduct its Civil Service Commission computer-based test for the recruitment of additional public servants in the state, you will be required to visit the KDSG official portal at https://kdsg.gov.ng/category/recruitment/ to enable you to check the recently released CBT date, time and center.
Other important announcements have also been released by the government to all shortlisted candidates with all relevant information towards the ongoing civil service recruitment.
Has The Kaduna State Government Announced The Release of Its 2024/2025 Civil Service Commission (CSC) Computer-Based Test Date?
No, the Kaduna State government (KDSG) have released a public announcement that the State Civil Service Commission (CSC) has not yet announced the release of the 2024/2025 examination date on the state’s official recruitment portal.
All concerned individuals or the general public are hereby notified that the computer-based test (CBT) date, time and center for the year are not yet available from the state commission.